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SpotiMusic – a digital information platform of up-to-date news and expert materials
Welcome to the main page of SpotiMusic’s international platform! Get the latest news from around the world, read insider information on global music trends, check out the best of the best, and take note of lists for all occasions! Our information platform has everything you’ll find useful. Let’s discover together?

The SpotiMusic team: who are we?
The editorial team at SpotiMusic is made up of professional authors, copywriters, translators, journalists and editors. Each of our employees has a high-quality education and many years of professional experience in news and opinion writing. We know how to work with information, check the sources for reliability, to tell about the complex in clear language and present any facts in an interesting and entertaining way. Our goal is to present readers with the most relevant and reliable materials that are pleasant to read and easy to apply in business, professional and personal life.